Main Force Patrol Task Force Unisex T-Shirt, Inspired By Mad Max 8Ball
Main Force Patrol Task Force T-Shirt Inspired By Mad Max
This Mad Max inspired t-shirt features a distressed design inspired by the classic 1979 Australian film which launched Mel Gibson's movie career. Faetures an image of the badge worn by Max Rockatansky (Gibson) who is part of the Main Force Patrol, an elite task force who patrol the highways of the dystopian future seen in the movie. Now you can become a member of the MFP with this 100% cotton Mad Max inspired tee. Not official merchandise. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Lovejoy Antiques Womens T-Shirt 8Ball
Lovejoy Antiques Womens T-Shirt
Ah, Lovejoy. Everybody loves a rogue don't they? Even rogues that sell antiques can be interesting, as proved by BBC TV legend Lovejoy. Now you can look as though you have visited Lovejoy's antiques shop by grabbing yourself one of these awesome Lovejoy inspired ladies t shirts. The tee is made with a distressed, worn-look print for a retro style. Show some love for Ian McShane's best loved character with this. Inspired by Lovejoy, not official merchandise. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Lovejoy Antiques Unisex T-Shirt For Men And Women 8Ball
Lovejoy Antiques T-Shirt
Ah, Lovejoy. We all love a rogue don't we? Even rogues who make a living from antiques can be interesting as proved by BBC TV icon Lovejoy. Now you can look as though you went to Lovejoy's antiques shop by getting yourself one of these great Lovejoy inspired t shirts. The tee is printed with a distressed, worn look for retro authenticity. Show your love for Ian McShane's most beloved character with this. Inspired by Lovejoy, not official merchandise. #8ballbestseller Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Drive Shaft Womens Fitted T-Shirt 8Ball
Drive Shaft Womens Fitted T-Shirt
This womens Lost homage t-shirt has a distressed print of a Drive Shaft design created by TeeVee for the fictional band fronted by Charlie Pace who crashed on the island with the rest of the characters in the first episode of Lost. Drive Shaft came from Manchster and had a smash hit with their record "You All Everybody". Now you can be a Drive Shaft fan with this girls 100% cotton Lost homage t shirt. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Oceanic Airlines T-Shirt for Women 8Ball
Oceanic Airlines T-Shirt for Women
This womens t-shirt is designed in homage to the unlucky Oceanic Airlines flight 815 which crashed, leaving its passengers stranded on an island resulting in extemely confusing situations, strange plot twists and a polar bear. Features the Oceanic Airlines logo, with the text "Taking you to places you never imagined". Oceanic Airlines has also appeared in many other shows including Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Alias, Chuck, The X-Files, Fringe, Pushing Daisies, FlashForward and even Flipper (!) Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Oceanic Airlines T-Shirt For Men 8Ball
Oceanic Airlines T-Shirt
This t-shirt is inspired by the ill-fated Oceanic Airlines flight 815 which crashed on a mysterious island resulting in the passengers being stranded in an extemely confusing situation filled with dangerous plot twists and a polar bear. Features an Oceanic Airlines logo, with the slogan "Taking you to places you never imagined". Oceanic Airlines has also appeared in many other fictional works including Alias, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, The X-Files, Chuck, Pushing Daisies, Fringe, FlashForward, Flipper (!) and others. This is a 100% cotton Oceanic Airlines t-shirt inspired by various TV shows, not officially licensed merchandise. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Drive Shaft Mens T-Shirt 8Ball
Drive Shaft T-Shirt
This Lost inspired t-shirt features a distressed print of a design created by TeeVee for the fictional band 'Drive Shaft', fronted by Charlie Pace who was marooned on the island with the rest of the cast in the first episode of the show. The band came from Manchster and had a big hit with their song "You All Everybody". Now you can look like a Drive Shaft fan with this great 100% cotton Lost inspired t shirt. Please note this tee is a homage to the show, not licensed merchandise. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Dharma Initiative Graphic T-Shirt For Men 8Ball
Dharma Initiative T-Shirt
This t-shirt features a design created by TeeVee, inspired by the massively popular and equally confusing TV series, Lost. During season one the island inhabitants discover The Swan (which they call The Hatch). Once they manage to gain entry they find that it contains food supplies which are all labelled with the Dharma Initiative logo. This tee is designed to look as though it was also found within The Swan, with the text "Dharma Initiative 100% cotton t-shirt". This tee is designed in homage to TV series Lost, but not official merchandise. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Acme Corporation Fitted Womens T-Shirt 8Ball
Acme Corporation Fitted Womens T-Shirt
If you're looking for something to crush a troublesome roadrunner or detonate a wascally wabbit then ACME is the corporation for you. If you want the product to actually end up crushing/blowing up yourself that is! This great t-shirt has a retro-look, distressed print of an original design for the iconic ACME Corporation, along with a dynamite symbol. Please note this is not an officially licensed product. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Acme Corporation Mens Graphic T-Shirt 8Ball
Acme Corporation T-Shirt
If you're looking for something to squash a troublesome roadrunner or blow up a wascally wabbit then ACME is the company for you. If you want the product to backfire and end up squashing/exploding yourself that is! This cool t-shirt features a retro-look, distressed print of an original TeeVee design for the legendary ACME Corporation, complete with a dynamite motif. Please note this is not an officially licensed product. #8ballbestseller Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Peoples Front Of Judea Unisex T-Shirt 8Ball Peoples Front Of Judea Unisex T-Shirt 8Ball
Peoples Front Of Judea T-Shirt
If you want to join the People's Front of Judea, you have to really hate the Romans. You much? A lot? Right, you're in. Join the revolution and send Romani ite domum with your own PFJ shirt - most definitely not a Judean People's Front t shirt. #8ballbestseller Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Lao Che Air Freight Unisex T-Shirt For Men And Women 8Ball
Lao Che Air Freight T-Shirt
This t-shirt, inspired by Lao Che Air Freight features a fictional logo for the company which specialise in transporting livestock and archaeologists. Whether they fly to Indiana we're not sure! Features an image of a twin propeller plane, with a "Lao Che Air Freight" logo around the outside. Please note this is not an officially licensed product. #8ballbestseller Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Nite Owl Womens Style T-Shirt, Inspired By La Confidential 8Ball
Nite Owl Womens Style T-Shirt, Inspired By La Confidential
This womens Nite Owl Coffee Shop tshirt (inspired by LA Confidential) has a distressed, washed out style print of an original logo from Fahrenheit 451 which looks as though you bought it from the Nite Owl Coffee Shop, scene of the multiple murders central to the plot of the film. The Nite Owl killings are investigated by Wendell "Bud" White (Russel Crowe), Edmund Exley (Guy Pearce) and Jack Vincennes (Kevin Spacey). Now you can look like you've been there too! Note this is an original Fahrenheit 451 t-shirt inspired by LA Confidential, not officially licensed merchandise. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Knight Industries T-Shirt For Men 8Ball
Knight Industries T-Shirt
Oh yes!! Here we have a rocking retro men's t-shirt inspired by Knight Rider. Features the Knight Industries logo in distressed print. Michael Knight's car K.I.T.T. was short for Knight Industries Two Thousand and was said to have being designed by the late Wilton Knight, a brilliant eccentric billionaire. This is not an official t shirt. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Where Am I? Knightmare Mens T-Shirt 8Ball
Where Am I? Knightmare T-Shirt
This nostalgic and retro t-shirt design is from the seriously cool TV show Knightmare from the good old days of tv shows when blue screens made it possible to superimpose fake backdrops and environments only seen by the viewer, it features an illustration of the helmet worn by the dungeoneer (the first member of the four children in the team. The helmet prevented the child from seeing the blue room in which the child was placed. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Strickland Propane Womens T-Shirt 8Ball
Strickland Propane Womens T-Shirt
This is a cool t-shirt, I tell you what. If you're after a ladies t-shirt which advertises a propane and propane accessories supplier then look no further. With this women's tee you can show love for the greatest propane and propane accessories supplier of all, Strickland Propane! Although Buck Strickland owns the company, we all know who the real star of Strickland Propane is: none other than 41-time employee of the month, Hank Hill! Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Strickland Propane Graphic T-Shirt For Men 8Ball
Strickland Propane T-Shirt
This is a great t-shirt, I tell you what. If you're looking for a t-shirt which advertises a company that sells propane and propane accessories then look no further. With this tee you can pay homage to the greatest propane and propane accessories supplier of them all, Strickland Propane! Although the company is owned by Buck Strickland, we all know who the real star of Strickland Propane is: none other than 41-time employee of the month, Hank Hill! This t-shirt has a design inspired by King of the Hill and is not official merch. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
DeVAS Womens Fitted T-Shirt 8Ball
DeVAS Womens Fitted T-Shirt
This t-shirt is inspired by Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill, featuring a highly distressed print of an original logo for DeVAS - the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad! This is the crew of deadly killers which 'The Bride' (Uma Thurman) belonged to and who she now seeks revenge against. The DeVAS also include 'Cottonmouth' (Lucy Liu), 'Copperhead' (Vivicia A Fox), 'Sidewinder' (Michael Madsen), 'California Mountain Snake' (Daryl Hannah) and of course Bill 'The Snake Charmer' (David Carradine). Now you can join their ranks with this 100% cotton Kill Bill inspired t shirt. Not official merchandise. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
DeVAS Mens Graphic T-Shirt 8Ball
DeVAS T-Shirt
This t-shirt is inspired by Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill, featuring a highly distressed print of an original logo for DeVAS - the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad! This is the crew of deadly killers which 'The Bride' (Uma Thurman) belonged to and who she now seeks revenge against. The DeVAS also include 'Cottonmouth' (Lucy Liu), 'Copperhead' (Vivicia A Fox), 'Sidewinder' (Michael Madsen), 'California Mountain Snake' (Daryl Hannah) and of course Bill 'The Snake Charmer' (David Carradine). Now you can join their ranks with this 100% cotton Kill Bill inspired t shirt. Not official merchandise. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
ASA Flag Unisex T-Shirt, Inspired By Jericho 8Ball
Allied States of America Flag T-Shirt Inspired By Jericho
This Jericho inspired t-shirt features a spraypaint-style print of the flag of the ASA (Allied States of America). This is the separatist nation set up in the hit TV show. To begin with the ASA seem like they may be the answer to everyone's problems, but inevitably, they turn out to be evil! This t-shirt is inspired by Jericho, not official merchandise. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Quints Deep Sea Fishing Shark Unisex T-Shirt For Men And Women 8Ball
Quints Deep Sea Fishing Shark T-Shirt
This t-shirt features an advert for "Quint's Deep Sea Fishing 1975". Has an image of a great white shark swimming towards you with its razor sharp teeth bared. Quint is the man who volunteers to catch and kill the giant shark that is terrorising Amity Island and who famously needed a bigger boat! 1975 is the year that Steven Spielberg's classic shark attack movie first appeared in cinemas. WHY IS THERE A PRICE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN SOME COLOUR OPTIONS? Garments which have white ink as part of their print are created using a more complex process and are therefore more expensive to produce. We have decided to price this product accordingly, making the colour options which do not utilise white ink cheaper for our customers. #8ballbestseller Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Quints Fishing Childrens T-Shirt 8Ball
Quints Fishing Childrens T-Shirt
This kids Jaws homage t-shirt has an logo for "Quint's Deep Sea Fishing". Shows a great white shark with razor sharp teeth. Quint was the fisherman who volunteerd to catch the giant shark terrorising Amity Island in Jaws. He famously said that he needed a bigger boat! 1975 was the year Steven Spielberg's legendary shark movie was first released in cinemas. This is a kids 100% cotton unofficial Jaws t-shirt. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Cabo Air T-Shirt For Men, Inspired By Jackie Brown 8Ball
Cabo Air T-Shirt Inspired By Jackie Brown
This t-shirt is inspired by Quentin Tarantino's 1997 movie 'Jackie Brown', featuring a distressed worn-look print of a logo for Cabo Air - the fictional Mexican airline which the titular Jackie Brown (Pam Grier) works for. She uses this job as a cover to smuggle money into the US for Ordell Robbie (Samuel L Jackson). This is a 100% cotton t-shirt inspired by Jackie Brown, but not officially licensed. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
US Robotics Mens T-Shirt, Inspired By I Robot 8Ball
US Robotics T-Shirt Inspired By I Robot
This I Robot inspired t-shirt features a Fahrenheit 451-created version of the logo for US Robotics, printed with a retro distressed effect. USR are the company behind the NS-5, the robots which are sold in huge numbers as 'domestic assistants'. But what happens if those robots begin to think for themselves? Just ask Will Smith! This is a 100% cotton homage I Robot t-shirt created by Fahrenheit 451 and not official I Robot merchandise. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
Morning Benders Graphic T-Shirt For Men, Inspired By Inbetweeners 8Ball
Morning Benders T-Shirt Inspired By Inbetweeners
This t-shirt is inspired by Channel 4's high school sitcom "The Inbetweeners". Now you can greet people in the same way as Jay from the show without having to even open your mouth! Features a distressed, faded worn-look print with the slogan "Morning Benders!" that has a sunrise motif behind it. This is a 100% cotton homage The Inbetweeners t-shirt. Not an official product. Sustainability MessageAll 8Ball Originals garments are WRAP certified, REACH compliant, and Fair Labor Association accredited. They are printed in the UK using Oeka-Tex and GOTS-certified water-based inks.
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